Friday, December 10, 2010


Many people are worried about competition destroying any bond of camaraderie  we have in our schools.  Students competing with each other over academics, athletics, and other programs within the school. The con side of competition argues that companionship and cooperation will accomplish much more than competition. And its true when all members of a group are working towards a common goal great things can be accomplished. On a global scale I believe this to be true, however on an individual scale I think this would cause a rapid decline in progress of education.
   For example in a play production at a local high school they are looking for a male lead for the play. There is to be no competition involved. So what they do is put the names of everyone who want to be the lead in a hat and draw one out. Boom you go your lead without competition. Night of the play comes and the lead is horrible, forgetting his lines etc. People ask why is the lead so terrible, and all the producer can say is I got this guy without an audition, aka competition. The producer chose not to hold a competition to find the best lead and all because many thought it would lead to some sort of destruction.
  Let's use the business world for the next example. Say you have a group of the major cell phone companies working together. ( well there wouldn't be a distinction because we would have competition to separate them, but stick with me here) Sure they came together and created the best service anyone could want with the best phones, however they also came together and decided to make a ton of money off it. So they raise the price to ridiculous heights and well you have to pay for it if you want a cell phone because there is no competitor to offer a lower price.
      Next lets go into no competition in politics. Hmmm.... on second thought politics itself is a scary thought. If we don't have competition there well we might as well have a king or queen and be done with it. Oh and they are on the throne until they are dead.
   In the end we need competition to help us evaluate others and ourselves. Competition when used correctly is an honest way of making decisions.  

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